Hello everybody!

This is a big week because all schools will be using our meetings to create the design for our next group shirt. Like we’ve done for the last few years, every student can work alone or with a partner to create and submit a new design, and then we’ll vote to decide which one is our favorite. Designs can be created on paper or digitally. 

We’ll have colored pencils and papers, but we encourage students to bring their own art supplies as well. Students can also bring computers for digital versions. We suggest using Canva for making Digital art, but any program that will allow you to share your design will work. Our goal is to vote during meetings next week or the week after and be able to announce the winning design by Friday of that week. 

Finally, if any students are now left wondering what to do with the next three minutes of your time, we suggest checking out the Kahoot! at the website link below. It’s a fun way to keep earning points for our next prize day, which is now just 2 weeks away.

Menomonie students who want to work on our decades project can do so at any time using the info on This Link.  We especially need content from the 70s and 80s. 

Find the newest KAHOOT! game here every week!

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