We have Another Great Kahoot for you this week! Students, to get counted for a prize, you must enter your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL as your nickname (Example – Andy S.). Game PIN: 08933041
We also want to repeat our questions for Thursday’s slideshow for any students who haven’t answered yet. Don’t forget, answering one or more of these questions is an easy way to get prizes!
- Who is your favorite animated character (movie, tv, comic book, anything animated)?
- Two-part question: Do you have a favorite cartoon from when you were little? How about now?
- What is your favorite animated movie or tv show now?
- What is your favorite Disney movie?
- For Bonus Points, if you’ve ever made your own cartoons/anime, videos or drawings, you can share it with us, and we’ll share with the group in the next slideshow!
To send us your answers, you can fill out the message form on the Contact page above, or send an email to any YEP advisor. All our email addresses are on the Contact page as well. However you get us your answer, we’ll make sure you get your point.
Thanks, and have a great day,
The YEP Team
Andy, Jennifer, Kathy, and Kenzie
2 Responses
1. Anyone in gravity falls.
2. Dora, star vs forces of evil/gravity falls.
3. Star vs forces of evil or gravity falls.
4. Any Disney princess movie.
1. Maui from Moana
2. Blue Clues and now Scooby Doo
3. Lilo and Stitch
4. Hercules