Movies, Math, and More Monday, August 3

Hello everybody, and welcome to Movies, Math, and More Monday!

This week, we’re looking at old school sci-fi, and to kick things off, Kenzie tells us a bit about the original Star Trek!

Then, Andy gets “Lost in Space!”

Bonus math questions. Get an extra point each for answering these questions:

  • Before they were Lost in Space, the Robinson family was on a planned 5-year journey to colonize a new planet. Rounded to the nearest 10, how many days would this trip have taken them? 

  • The original Star Trek premiered in 1966, but the lead character on the show, Captain Kirk, was said to have been born in the year 2233. How many years AND how many weeks (so two separate answers) would pass between these two dates?

To send us your answers, you can fill out the message form on the Contact page above, or send an email to any YEP advisor. All our email addresses are on the Contact page as well. As long as we get them one way or another, you’ll get the points.

Thanks, and have a great day,

The YEP Team

Andy, Jennifer, Kathy, and Kenzie

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