Weekly Themes: We are going with the different decades, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s.
-Logos for each theme. Take a look above or at our homepage for an idea, but basically a roughly square shaped image that says “The 1970’s” or whatever decade. You can use whatever you’d like to create the logo, but we suggest canva.com. If you use that, your completed logo can be shared to [email protected].
-Then, we need content to fill out each week from a few different categories.
-The first is trivia. This is your chance to look into the coolest stuff you can find from each time period. We’re talking about the most interesting things in MUSIC, SPORTS, TV, MOVIES, TECHNOLOGY, BOOKS, POLITICS, NATURAL DISASTERS, FOOD, VIDEO GAMES, WORLD EVENTS, WAR, VEHICLES, ART, FASHION, POPULAR BABY NAMES. BASICALLY ANYTHING YOU’RE INTERESTED IN, JUST FIND SOME FACTS ABOUT IT FROM THE DECADE YOU’RE LOOKING INTO. We suggest finding a balance of easier and more difficult questions. We never try to put a question in that we think nobody would know, but it’s ok if it’s a little tricky. Think about your audience when creating questions. If it’s a topic that you’re super into, but almost every other middle schooler has never heard of, you might want to think of a way to make it a little easier. We typically use Kahoot for these, which can include multiple choice questions, true or false, as well as questions where you put things in order (kind of like ranking). If you think you’d like to try a different format for the trivia, we can discuss it, otherwise we’ll stick with Kahoot.
-Weekly student questions that are somehow connected to the theme. These are the questions that many of you do on paper at a meeting every week. This typically includes 1-2 poll questions where we give a few options to choose from, and 1-2 open-ended questions where you can write your own answers. It’s best to make these fairly simple questions that they can answer quickly. The poll questions could be easy, for example you could pick 2-4 bands(or anything else) that were popular in the 80s and ask them to pick the best one. The open-ended ones might be tougher, but we’ll work together to come up with something.
-We also like to find ANYTHING FUN, FUNNY, HELPFUL, IMPORTANT, OR INTERESTING IN ANY WAY ABOUT THE THEME. This can just be links to sites that have cool info about the topic. Or it could be you creating a written or video review of a book, movie, tv show, or anything else from one of these decades. You could create or find a bonus game like a word search, quiz, crossword puzzle, etc. about the theme. Again, this can include almost anything you think is cool about any of these decades.
-If you have anything you want to share, such as a set of trivia questions, or links to fun websites, you can do that below. If you have any files you want to share, like if you’ve created a graphic you can’t share on Canva, or made a video, you can also upload that below.