Hello everybody, and welcome to Movies, Math, and More Monday! This week, we’ll be focused on Spring.
Keeping with that theme, we have Kenzie’s movie review of Hop.

Not keeping with that theme, we have Andy’s book review of Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry by Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
We also have the answers from last week’s Trivia Tuesday attached. We’ll be keeping a list of those who submit answers to keep track of prizes for when we are able to meet again. Many people answered every question correctly, but the person to do so the fastest is our weekly first place winner. Congrats to Mason!
Don’t forget, tomorrow is trivia day again, where students will be able to answer trivia questions to get a small prize! Here is a link to an audio story of Peter Rabbit. It only takes a few minutes to listen, but those who listen will have a head start with tomorrow’s trivia, which will have a few questions on the topic.
As a final bonus for students who like drawing, we have a link to some great Spring/Easter themed coloring pages from Crayola. If anybody isn’t able to print at home and really wants something they see, check in with Kathy at [email protected] and she may be able to mail them to you.
If any of you have trouble opening any attachments or links, please let us know, and we’ll do what we can to help.
The YEP Team
Andy, Jennifer, Kathy, and Kenzie